Critiques=I like the game but there are two things that I don’t like about it: first, it’s so hard to lead your little flying dude. For an example, when the round started I told it to go down and it went down very very slowly and I couldn’t get to the rings that speed you up. Maybe if it were to be a little bit more sensitive to where your finger is leading it that would be great. The other problem I had with the game is that when you get to the end (Finish line), say you’re in first place all the robots start catching up. One time I was in first place, a millisecond away from the finish line and all the other players started coming in front of me and I ended up in fifth place. It’s really annoying and I hope it gets fixed. And I would really like if people could change their outfits. Like from red to other colors. It would also be really cool if people could pick the map that they wanted to fly in. Other than those two things, and the suggestions, I think the game is great and I love it! / authors=Voodoo / 83306 Vote / Reviews=Cross the city in wingsuit / version=1.12.8 / Genre=Action / User Rating=4,3 / 5.
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